crazy color

crazy color


Friday, February 12, 2016

Wacky Wednesday…Now You "Nose"

Last summer, my good friend Adrina started this really cool Wacky Wednesday idea: eating dessert before dinner.

 I loved that.

Mostly because I secretly wish every meal could begin with dessert.

So, I took a respectable family tradition and turned it into something completely ridiculous.  Part of the reason why is we believe

 "a fun home is a home a kid will return to when they're grown." 

We want to have great and healthy relationships with our adult children...and I also want to create gross, strange, and artistic food.

Wacky Wednesday turned out to be a perfect opportunity for both.  And it's been a huge hit.

It started out just being our family and executing ideas I'd brainstorm with my 5 y.o. son, Jake.  When a few people started asking if they could come over and join us in the craziness, I we decided a once-a-month gig was more fun if we opened our table to friends.  I'm starting with the first one of that kind.

So, when thinking of possible themes for January, a big event rose to mind and clinched the deal.

My one year anniversary of my nose ring.

It was a big deal.  Something I'd wanted for over a decade.  So when my sisters converged on DFW for a long overdue reunion, it finally happened...and it was glorious. 

So to commemorate my latent rebellion, and celebrate noses everywhere (as well as their accompanying ailments), we started with the guest list.  I opened it up via social media to the first four people who messaged or posted an RSVP.  Ten minutes later, I had a full table...for this dinner plus the next two…and promptly wondered what I'd gotten myself into.

The name tags were made.

Sinusitis Cheesesteaks assembled.

Beverages mixed.  Mucus-ade: viral and bacterial options.  

Nosebleed salad was a no-brainer.  Was just bummed I forgot the wadded up kleenex garnish. 

Booger Balls and Nose Pickers served as gooey appetizers.

And no nose theme is complete without a plate of Gesundheit Gherkins and Blackheads.

Snot Shots were set out for the contest.  Whoever scarfed down their's first...with fingers the first slice of dessert.  

The boys pumping themselves up.  

Andy getting his game face on.  

On your marks...get set…Blow!

Andy started out strong, even contributed his own snot to the event. 

Jake took a more aggressive approach.

Elizabeth chose the "unhinge your jaw" maneuver.  

And Steve...used a fork.

And the winner, who only gagged twice in the process of burying the elementary competition?  Elizabeth!  Or, "Ewisibif" as Andy affectionately calls her (and now the rest of our family).

*Note: Lesley on her phone.  She's not welcome back.*

The prize?  First slice of this massive schnoz.  

A great group of friends.

Who got sent home with three Rice Krispie boogers and their own pack-o-kleenexes.  

Stay tuned next week when I write up yesterday's experience of an "Anatomically Correct Valentine's: G-rated Edition," with a sneak peak at "Magical Mythical March" and a glimpse of the main courses: Fairy Fritters and Leprechaun Legs.  Magically delicious...