crazy color

crazy color


Monday, July 28, 2014

The Bum Encounter

One morning I was in the kitchen washing dishes while my 14 month old son was scribbling with Crayolas on the dining room floor.  All was pretty peaceful and I breathed out a contented sigh.  But that quickly changed when minutes later Jake plodded toward the table and the following scene played out in horrific slow motion:
Lucy is minding her own business eating breakfast remnants off the floor and cannot see Jake tottering up behind her. I think he’s going for her tail but veers south at the last second and…yes, to my absolute horror

index finger inserts in dog anus.

Now, there are lots of ways I could have reacted:

But much to my surprise and against my natural bent, I didn’t do any of these things.   The belly laugh rocking my child like internal seismic waves in the wake of my fleeing dog prevented me from all those acceptable above reactions.  Instead, I started to giggle…and before I knew it Jake and I were both in a pile of explosive, hiccuping, tearful laughter.
Eventually we righted ourselves, took some deep breaths, washed our hands, and had a serious conversation about how little fingers must always stay out of certain places…and orifices. Then we sought out Lucy to make things right.
Parenting is serious business.  It’s taking the little lives God has entrusted to us and shaping them as best we can. And many days, it feels like bone-crushing work weighed down by:

  • the huge responsibility of the task
  • cycles of frustration and defiance
  • days that seem they will never…EVER... end
  • long depleted patiences reserves 
  • nights sputtering to a stop on the fumes of mutual exasperation.

But parenting can also be full of laughter, if we consistently choose to veer away from our natural reaction and enjoy the hilarity of a moment.
The “Bum Encounter”  was actually a situation that helped me learn to approach motherhood with more laughter instead of frustration (and shock…and disgust) and has benefited us all years later.  It even helped Lucy become more wizened and wary to the ploys of a curious little boy and avoid other unpleasant situations (…like repeated toddler-conducted proctology exams…) and they are great friends today.

Laughter is a healing, day-changing, prescription for my soul.  Though I’m pretty certain this will never be something my dog looks back and chuckles about, I’m thankful for her help in creating a laughable moment that helped introduce many more…and thankfully not at her expense.
How have laughable moments caught you off guard and changed the atmosphere in your home?

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