They say you rot the brain
And melt their social skills
Stunt their tiny motor growth
And bring on ADD pills
They say you've ruined culture
And hunched our babies' backs
As they twiddle with their widdle thumbs
On Elmo's latest app
Their jaws go slack and loosen
Eye contact down the drain
Pupils fix and dilate
On Thomas and his train
In light of loads of evidence
Still all I have to say...
Is "Hallelujah, Apple Inc.!
You've saved this mama's DAY."
When sleep is slim or lacking
I reach with clumsy hands
To unplug a charging lifeline
Buying one more twilight nap
A calm and quiet car ride?
What a priceless, treasured boon!
I buy it with the currency
Of iTunes' "Goodnight Moon"
When deep in line at Target
And they melt in screaming crisis
I retrieve from deep inside my purse
Twelve iOS devices
Sure we run and play and draw
And swing at Central Park
But often all their energy
Palpates my tired heart
So iPad, I deeply thank you
You've banished lots of strife
With Nexflix, iBooks, PBS...
We have a better life
You may be be rotting gray matter
And numbing their IQs
But, oh dear friend, it's worth the trade
Love, Steve and Cass and Crew